Ensayo de un crimen

I was convinced that it was I
who had kiIIed her.

I assure you that morbid sensation
gave me a certain pIeasure.

Of course, it is onIy now
that I reaIize aII that.

Yes... it was a reaI pIeasure,
to feeI myseIf aII-powerfuI.
You are aware
that this is a human weakness...

Since my reminiscences
dispIease you, I won't go on.

I do find them distastefuI.

Had I known, I wouIdn't
have asked to hear them.

I prefer to beIieve that
you are deIuding yourseIf.

It's imprinted on my memory
Iike a photograph.

Time has a way
of distorting things.

I am sure you were as good
and pure as other chiIdren.

I think you Iike
to pass yourseIf off as wicked.

I'm very far from being a saint.
Sister, wouId you be frightened
if I toId you something?

That depends.
It's something that wouId
greatIy interest you.

WeII, you can teII me tomorrow.
We've taIked too much today,
the doctor wiII scoId us.

I'II bring you your piII.
I have to go to the dispensary...
What are you doing?
What are you up?
I must know something, sister.
What is it?
You aIways want to be
in the good graces of God?
