Ensayo de un crimen

Just a moment, pIease.
Excuse me.
You'd better go,
ArchibaIdo is aIready here.

If he doesn't want to see me,
I don't want to see him either.

He knows you're married
and have a IittIe girI.

So here we go again,
with the same oId story.

- Do you need heIp?
- No, thank you.

Is this young Iady
a friend of your mistress?

Miss Patti?
She went to schooI with CarIota.

She comes here often?
AImost never. I don't think
my mistress Iikes her much.

WeII, it's a IittIe...
I'm so happy to see you,

Do you know Rivas,
the architect?

I've had the pIeasure.
- How do you do?
- How do you do, Mr de Ia Cruz?

What a darIing IittIe vase.
Look, AIejandro!

Day by day, your work improves.
I'm a mere amateur.
CarIota wiII adore it.
Take it to her yourseIf.

She's in the chapeI.
- Excuse me.
- Go ahead.

Oh, mercifuI, Ioving,
sweet Virgin, pray for us...

so we may attain the divine grace
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

- Forgive me...
- How are you?

Fine, thank you.
How pretty it is, Archie.

What IoveIy coIors. Someday
we'II have to watch you at work.

I'm going to dedicate it
to the Virgin. What do you think?

Is there anyone better?
I'm moved by this atmosphere
of peace in which you Iive.

It's Iike another worId.
WeII, it won't be peacefuI
for Iong. In a few days,

the workers wiII be in,
and then...

What's wrong?
I can see you're worried.

Yes, CarIota...
I must speak to you.

What's troubIing you?
