Ensayo de un crimen

He dedicated a buII to me
just before the buII kiIIed him.

I've kept you standing
aII this time...

Forgive me.
It's quite aII right to sit by me.
As you wish.
Do you get a kick out
of asking questions?

- Why say that?
- I find you very strange.

I don't understand.
I'm going to be frank.
When you offered
to take me home...

I thought, how wonderfuI,
I'II seize the opportunity.

But in the car I reaIized
you had something eIse in mind.

That's right.
WouId you beIieve
that it's the same for me?

If you're not thinking
of deceiving your friend...

what's the point
of this stimuIating game?

You'II find out.
But I wonder why you came.

You'II find out.
But I haven't offered you
a drink.

What wouId you Iike?
Anything... a gIass of miIk.
Yes, miIk.
I don't touch aIcohoI.

AII right,
I'II drink for both of us.

It isn't reaIIy true, is it?
That you reaIIy Iike...
I swear I do.
