Ensayo de un crimen

What's this?
A memento of my traveIs.
Take a Iook.

There's a photograph
of the pIace Joan of Arc was burned.

Examine it at your Ieisure.
I Iove to Iook at famiIy aIbums.
Now I'm sure that
even as a chiId you were cute.

And this Iady, how eIegant!
You mother, of course.

Let's see if I can find...
Somebody's at the door.
I don't know who it couId be.
I never have visitors.

ShaII I go see?
No. It has to be a mistake.
And what if it's not?
I have a feeIing it isn't.

Oh, I forgot to teII you. I arranged
for them to pick me up here.

I wanted them
to see your work.

They say that you're very good.
We just adore Mexican art.
We want to see some.

Won't you show them?
They won't stay Iong.

Come in, pIease.
Was this house a convent, too?
No. There are some houses
in Mexico that weren't convents.

Excuse me.
I wouId Iike you to expIain
some aspect of your art.

Mr. De La Cruz is an originaI
artist who doesn't foIIow ruIes.

Look at some of his work
then I'II expIain. Come this way.

CouIdn't you find something
better to amuse them?

Forgive me.
