Guys and Dolls

Polka dots. In the whole world,
nobody but Nathan Detroit

could blow 1,000 bucks on polka dots.
- Hi, Sky.
- Nice to see you.

- How goes it?
- Healthy. And with you, Nicely?

Nicely-nicely, thanks. Nathan?
What's the matter, Nathan? You look sick.
The cheesecake backed up on him.
Maybe that's why they told us
they sell more strudel.

Adelaide gave us a message for you.
Be sure and pick her up after the show.

- And don't be late.
- Yes, dear.

- I mean, OK.
- Yes, dear?

This is husband talk if I ever heard it.
You are trapped because Adelaide
is a doll that is most difficult to unload.

I don't want to unload her. I love her.
A guy without a doll... If a guy does
not have a doll, who would holler on him?

- A doll is a necessity.
- I am not putting the knock on dolls.

But they are something to have only when
they come in handy, like cough drops.

And the proof that I am right is that dolls
are available as far as the eye can see.

Not dolls like Adelaide.
Nathan, nothing personal and no offence,
but, weight for age, all dolls are the same.

- All dolls are the same, huh?
- As far as the eye can see.

It seems to me the one place a doll would
come in handy would be in Havana.

So how come you ain't got one? How
come you are going alone, without a doll?

A matter of choice.
I choose to travel alone,

but if I wish to take a doll, the supply
is more than Woolworths has got beads.

- Not high-class dolls.
- There's only one class: interchangeable.

A doll is a doll.
All dolls, any doll. You name her.

Any doll? Will you bet on that? Will you
bet 1,000 bucks that if I name a doll,

you can take the same doll
to Havana with you tomorrow?

You've got yourself a bet.
I name her.
