Guys and Dolls

Specially when it's time to retire
Then pet me, Poppa
Poppa, pet me good
Warm up my saucer of milk
And maybe I'll purr
Lay out my cushion of silk
Don't rumple my fur
- Just reach over and...
- Pet me, Poppa

Poppa, melt the ice
If you don't want me out roamin' the city
Talk to me pretty - here, kitty kitty!
And pet me, Poppa
That's my good advice
Pet me, Poppa
Pet me, Poppa
Pet me, Poppa
Poppa, pet me
That'll get me! Pet me, Poppa
Poppa, pet me nice
I gotta hang up. Can I tell the guys that
the game'll be at your garage tomorrow?

I would gladly pay you in advance, but
I will not get the money until tomorrow.

I've got to have time
to spread the word around.

Joey, listen to...
Yes, Joey.
Drop dead, Joey.
Oh, Nathan, darling!
You got here early.
It's so thrilling to find you waiting for me.
Just like we were married
and I was coming home from work.

You wouldn't make me stop working,
would you, Nathan?

That would be cruel. A doll like you could
earn good money for another ten years.

- Easy.
- Sweet!

And you were reading my book, too.
See? I told you reading
don't make people go blind.

It's very interesting, isn't it?
What is? Oh, the book. Yeah.
The doctor gave it to me. He said
it might help me get rid of my cold.

- With a book?
- He thinks that my cold might possibly
