Guys and Dolls

- I win.
- I'm clean.

Seein' that I'm on a lucky streak,
I will now roll the rest of you guys.

Wait a minute. You have got to
give me a chance to get even.

I will now roll you with my dice.
- What you gonna use for money?
- I will give you my marker.

And against your marker,
you want Big Jule to put up cash?

- Nathan done it.
- Yeah, I done it.

- What kind of a deal is this?
- Take it easy.

Him and his no-spot dice! Somebody
oughta knock the spots off of him.

Hey, Nathan, do not make Big Jule
have to do somethin' to you.

Detroit, I'm on my vacation.
Don't louse it up.

What could you do me?
Shoot me? Put me in cement?

At least I would know where I am.
I risk my neck to set up this crap game.

I even promise to get married on
account of it. And where do I wind up?

Broke, in a sewer. Believe me,
my tough friend from Chicago,

nothing you could do to me
would not cheer me up.

Here they are.
- And how is everybody down here?
- I smell fresh blood. Lookin' for action?

Not at the moment. I just came
to talk to some of my friends.

- We're shootin' crap.
- It'll only take a minute.

We're shootin' crap.
I would like to talk to you
about Sarah Brown's mission,

where you were interrupted last night.
What kind of characters walk around the
sewers of New York? Who is this joker?

Like I told you, he is the guy who was
tryin' to take the mission doll to Havana.

Oh, him. I suggest you return the way
you came, back to your prayin' tomato.

Around here your presence
is slowin' up the action.

If you are so eager for action, would you
care to make a wager on a proposition?

- Pray tell, what's the proposition?
- An old one my daddy taught me.

- Now am I right-handed or left-handed?
- Now how would I know a thing like that?

Well, I will give you a clue.
