Guys and Dolls

Adelaide, baby.
Don't do that to me.
I can't stand it when you cry.

Look, we'll get married, I promise you.
And we'll have what you always wanted.

A little white house with a green fence.
Just like the Whitney colours.
Oh, Nathan. If I could only believe you.
We could still make everything all right.
- We could elope right now.
- Adelaide, could we?

I almost forgot...
but right at this time I cannot.

- Why not?
- I'm gonna tell the truth,

- but you will not believe me.
- Nathan, why can't we elope?

I have to go to a prayer meeting.
That is the biggest and most
unforgivable lie you have ever told me.

It's true. I promise you.
You promise me this,
you promise me that

You promise me everything
under the sun, but you give me a kiss

And you're grabbin' your hat
and you're off to the races again

- When I think of the time gone by
- Adelaide, Adelaide...

- And I think of the way I try
- Adelaide...

I could honestly die
Call a lawyer and sue me, sue me
What can you do me?
I love you
Give a holler and hate me, hate me
- Go ahead, hate me, I love you
- The best years of my life

I was a fool to give to you
All right already,
I'm just a no-goodnik

All right already, it's true
So nu?
So sue me, sue me
What can you do me?
I love you
You gamble it here, you gamble it there,
you gamble on everything all except me

And I'm sick of you keepin' me up in
the air till you're back in the money again

- When I think of the time gone by
- Adelaide, Adelaide...

- And I think of the way I try
- Adelaide...

I could honestly die
