Kiss Me Deadly

May l have my hand back now?
So you're a fugitive
from the laughing house.

They forced me to go there.
Took away my clothes to make me stay.

l wish l could tell you that.
l have to tell someone.
When people are in trouble,
they need to talk.

But you know the old saying.
What l don't know can't hurt me?
This wheel doesn't feel right.
lt keeps pulling over.

- Good evening, folks.
- Check the right front wheel.

What'd you find?
Caught in the spindle.
We must've picked it up
when we went off the road back there.

The only thing l ever pick up
when l go off the road is poison ivy.

- Thanks, kid.
- Thank you.

- Would you do me a favour, please?
- Wouldn't mind at all.

Would you put a stamp on this
and drop it in the mailbox for me?

Yes, ma'am. Anything else, ma'am?
Did you find out
what was wrong with the wheel?
