Kiss Me Deadly

She told me her name was Christina.
Christina what?

Bailey. Christina Bailey.
Her address, the last place she lived?
325 Bunker Hill.
(loud) lf you change your mind and wanna
talk, get in touch with my secretary.

(accent) Oh, you are the one.
Every time when l pick up the trunk,
l take a deep breath.

Make you stronger, deep breaths.
This time l think ''Oh, you breathe
good deep - trunk feels very light.''

''By golly, old man,
you are becoming very strong,'' l think.

But you are the one, eh?
Moving somebody in?
Move in, move out.
Always people come and go.

One place they never leave.
You know, 63 years l live in one place -
the house of my body.

Move in when l born, move out when l die.
You bet. Yes, sir.

- Can l help you?
- Oh, no, grazie. l mean thank you.

lf you help, then afterward
other thing gets heavier.

l go and get the other one.
- What do you want?
- To see the super.

- What can l do for you?
- Card on the mailbox, Christina Bailey.

The police have been
through her apartment.

The police have been
through her apartment.

l wanna go through her apartment.
- Ask him who he is, Horace.
- Tell her to shut up.

Shut up.
- Can l help you?
- l don't be fooled so easy this time.
