Kiss Me Deadly

Hey, Nick.
How'd you like a rod like this one?
- Mine? All mine?
- Down to the last cotter pin.

What do l have to do?
Name it and it's done.

- Can you find out who souped her up?
- A cinch.

l know of a place in Culver City.
l'll dig around and ask a few questions.

- Va-va-voom?
- Va-va-voom.

Nicky, you should ask what it's worth
to him. What he's gonna get out of it.

Don't bother me, small fry.
You play your guitar, Sammy-boy,
and l'll drive my car.

Voom-voom pow!
Nicky, you're gonna get yourself
in a lot of trouble.

(a waltz)
(music back on)
- Did you call your friendly Mr Friendly?
- Yes. He awaits me anxiously.

Then call him back and cancel it.
Forget these penny-ante divorce cases.
l got a line on something better.

That girl was mixed up
in something big.

And a cut of something big...
could be something big.

l want you to find out
all you can about her.

First you find a little thread,
the little thread leads you to a string,

and the string leads you to a rope...
and from the rope you hang by the neck.
What kind of a girl was she,
this friend of yours, Christina?
