Kiss Me Deadly

Why do you keep saying ''was''?
They both knew your Christina.
They both died the same way she did.

How was that?
The way you almost died.
Traffic... accident.

One fell out of a cab
and the other was run over by a truck.

Who's Carmen Trivago?
Carmen Trivago, a poor man's Caruso,
an unemployed opera singer
in search of an opera.

Raymondo's friend.
And who's Harvey Wallace?
He drove the truck
that ran over Kawolsky.

l was going down Washington Boulevard.
Where they're building that freeway?

lt was kinda late. l'd had a long day.
Winter. You know how it gets dark early.
l had my lights on.
l had 'em on. l know that.
Streets are jammed down there
around quittin' time.

This was after seven...
and the street's empty.

l was goin' under a bridge,
and goin', you know?

This guy come out of nowhere.
Did he step out or run out?
- Or maybe he was pushed.
- Yeah, pushed. More like he was pushed.
