Kiss Me Deadly

He love her. She's dead.
He sings, il maestro.

Magnifico. Che bella voce. Bello, bello.
Bravo! Bravissimo!
- Who are you?
- You're a friend of Nicholas Raymondo.

- That's right. Raymondo.
- l know nothing. Nothing!

- Quite a stack of records you got here.
- Oh, yes.

- Caruso's Pagliacci.
- ll maestro.

- That's a collector's item.
- Yeah.

Please, what you wanted
to know? l will tell you.

Raymondo is my friend.
Very sad friend. Always he's sad.

He's - how you call? - engineer scientist.
Very smart. Very bright. Very sad.
He was murdered. Why?
l don't know. l don't know.
- What was he so sad about?
- For the way the world is, he is very sad.

He says to me...
''l'm very intelligent, Trivago,
but l'm very stupid.''

''l'm very rich, l'm very poor.''
''l have a little secret, and it's very
important. And it's not important at all.''

- What did he mean by that?
- When l ask him,

he says it's a riddle without an answer.
l think he's making a joke.
But when he's dead, l know it's not a joke.
