Lady and the Tramp

Gotta get it movin'.
'T ain't the cuttin' takes the time.

It's the doggone haulin'!
The haulin'. Exactly!
- Now, what you need is...
- Better bisect this section here.

What you need is a log puller.
I said, a log puller!
I ain't "deaf", sonny.
There's no need to...
Did you say, "log puller"?

And, by a lucky coincidence,
you see before you...

modeled by the lovely little lady...
the new, improved, patented,

never-fail, little-giant log puller!
The busy beaver's friend.
You don't say!
Guaranteed not to wear, tear,
rip or ravel.

Turn around, sister,
and show the customer the merchandise.

And it cuts log hauling time
66 percent!

Sixty-six percent, eh?
Think of that!
Well, how's it work?

Why, it's no work at all.
You merely slip this ring over
the limb like this, and haul it off.

Say, you mind
if I slip it on for size?

Help yourself, friend.
Help yourself.

Okay, don't mind if I do.
How do you get
the "consarned" thing off, sonny?

Glad you brought that up, friend.
Glad you brought that up.

To remove it, simply place the strap
between your teeth.

Like this?
Correct, friend.
Now, bite hard!

You see?
It's off!
Say, that is simple.
Well, friend,
we'll be on our way now, so...

Not so fast now, sonny.
I'll have to make certain
it's satisfactory...

before we settle on a price.
Oh, no, it's all yours, friend.
You can keep it!

Uh, I can, huh? I can?
Uh-huh. It's a free sample.
Well, thanks a lot!
Thanks ever so...
