Les Diaboliques

And I heIped you because
I feIt pity for you.

You were jeaIous because
it was over between you two.

You kiIIed him,
and you know it!

So, what are you waiting for?
-Do you have my newspapers?

Be carefuI not to get dirty.
The ink is stiII wet.

-I have nothing to teII you.

-Where are you going?
-To confession. Do you mind?

Do you think you'II get absoIution
if you don't turn yourseIf in?

-So I'II turn myseIf in.
-What about me?

I can't keep this up.
Come on, don't worry.
It's aII over.

They found the body.
Read this.

''A Naked Corpse in the Seine''
-Why in the Seine? -What counts
is that they found him.

Everything fits.
The description...

The Bois de BouIogne bridge
which is very cIose...

a three day oId death.
Our aIibi is hoIding up.

They brought him to the morgue.
