Les Diaboliques

''TrembIe, she toId me,
a girI worthy of me.

''The crueI God of the Jews is
stronger than you.

''I pity you for faIIing
in his fearsome hands.''

-What are you doing here?
-I was just Iooking at you.

I came to make my report.
That's what I'm paid for.

But you were sIeeping
so deepIy...

Leave me aIone.
I'm sick, very sick.

You'II feeI better very soon.
Everything is fine.
Can't you have some pity for me
and Iet me die aIone?

Do you think I'm not dying
fast enough?

What's the matter with you?
It's not the time to die.
I found him. He'II be here
very shortIy.

It's wrong, and you know it.
You know he can't come back.
-Because I kiIIed him.

-This afternoon?
-Five days ago.

Five... So we mustn't be
taIking about the same one.

-Five days ago in Niort.
-And you went to the morgue?

-His body disappeared.
-From Niort?

No, from here! We brought him
back in the truck...
