Mister Roberts

Just one minute, Mister!
Who's captain of this vessel?
That is the rankest piece of insubordination
l ever seen.

You've been getting pretty smart lately,
buttering up to Mr. Roberts here.

But this time you have gone too far!
And l'm making you a little promise.

l am never going to forget this.
And as a starter, you're on report.
Every one of you who appeared on deck
without a shirt, on report!

You're not putting these men on report.
-What do you mean l'm not?
-l'm responsible. l gave them permission.

You disobeyed my standing order?
Thanks a million for the fresh fruit,

You gave that man oranges?
Yes, sir, l'm afraid l did.
Ten days! You just got yourself ten days
in your quarters! Ten days!

Do you relieve me here?
You heard me. You get to your cabin
before l make it 20 days!

Another launch alongside, Mr. Roberts.
You want it port or starboard?

l've been relieved, Chief.
Where do you think you're going?
To my room for ten days. Or was it 20?
l'll tell you when to get to your cabin!
Get back to your job!

-Captain, you told me--
-Never mind what l told you.

l'm telling you.
Who is that officer? You, boy!
Yes, you. Come here.
Are you one of my officers?
Yes, sir.
What's your name again?
Ensign Pulver, sir.
