Mister Roberts

You must come to my cabin sometime
and have dinner.

Cut it out, Doug. Now knock it off!
Cut it out! He's got his nerve.
Wait till next week, Doug,
when he gets his laundry.

Doug, l'm gonna get some starch.
You know, some of that real thick starch...

...like they use on nurses' uniforms--
And when old Roberts said that, l thought
the Captain was gonna lose his marbles!

Nothing stops old Roberts!
Nice goin', Mr. Roberts.
lt was really beautiful
the way you read the old man off.

You're gonna send in another one
next week?

He sure is! And it's my turn to shove it
right under the old man's nose.

Yeah, but you've got a promotion
coming up, haven't you?

But could he stop that?
Promotion? This is Mr. Roberts!
You think he gives a good hoot
about another lousy stripe?

We've gotta write a real hot one
next week, huh, Mr. Roberts?

We'll use asbestos paper.
He'll fix the old man's clock. You wait!
All men who have not been put on report
for three weeks...

...can now go swimming for ten minutes.
That is all.
