
lf l knew where it was,
l wouldn't be afraid!

l'd sell the diamond
and rebuild the manor.

When my mother lived here, she said
the house had a hundred rooms

and stables for a hundred horses.
And fountains with gold and silver
fish that played all the time.

But it's not yours.
lt belongs to Mr. Fox now.

We're going to live here together.
He's my friend!

That's the bell for church.
My uncle's waiting.

Are you coming?
...Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
''Thou shalt not have strange gods
before me!'' So it is written.

Yet you worship the dark gods
of superstition and falsehood

like so many benighted savages!
You whisper of a man long dead,
a man whom you call Redbeard!

You credit him with supernatural
powers, powers of life and death!

Redbeard, indeed!
Sir John Mohune
was an officer of the Crown

who betrayed his sacred trust,
traduced his king

and sold his honour
for a diamond of great price!

He died in Hollisbrooke, a madman,
