
balked of the enjoyment
of his ill-gotten treasure.

And now, in death,
it is not to be believed

that such a man would be suffered
to defy the divine law

and dishonour the resting places
of our Christian dead!

- Amen!
- Amen, Parson.

But if it weren't Redbeard,
who killed Cracky Jones last winter?

And now...
Nat Greening.
Who took him?

Silence, Granny Clarke, and you,
Ratsey, that should know better.

When l urged...
that a search be made for Nathaniel
Greening, two days missing,

l was told that a search
was useless,

that he was last seen
in the churchyard, after sundown,

and so must have met a monstrous
fate at Redbeard's hands.

l say to you that
this is blasphemy!

And l say to you that if you
persist in these heathen beliefs,

you mock God in His own house
and this shall not be forgiven you
here or hereafter.

Who is it?
lt's l, sir. John Mohune.
Olivia Mohune's boy.
l was fond of your mother.
Most fond.

Seeing you here in church today
was a comfort to me.

On a day of great anger!
Parson Glennie,
what became of the diamond?

The diamond he sold his honour for.
That secret lies buried
with Sir John.

Perhaps it is better so.
But if l found it,
it would be mine, wouldn't it?

So young, and your heart already
set on possessions?
