
Oh, what a beautiful day!
- Hi, Aunt Eller.
- Scare me to death!

- What are you doing here?
- I’m coming and singing to you.

Oh, what a beautiful mornin’!
Oh, what a beautiful day!
I got a beautiful feelin’
Ev’rythin’s goin’ my way.
If I wasn’t an old woman and if you
wasn’t so young and smart-alecky...

... I’d marry you and get you to sit
around at night and sing to me.

No, you wouldn’t either.
I wouldn’t marry you nor none of
your kin if I could help it.

- None of my kinfolks?
- You tell them that, too, all of them.

Including that niece of yours,
Miss Laurey Williams.

Who are you taking to
the box social tonight?

I ain’t thought much about it.
- Bet you come over to ask Laurey.
- What if I did?

You asking me, too?
I’ll wear my fascinator.

Yeah, you, too.
Oh, what a beautiful mornin’
Oh, what a beautiful day
Thought you were somebody.
I got a beautiful feelin’
Ev’rythin’s goin’ my way.
Is this all that’s come a-calling at 8:00
this Saturday morning?

You knowed it was me
before you opened the door.
