
The farmer should be sociable
with the cowboy,

If he rides by and asks fer food and water,
Don’t treat him like a louse,
make him welcome in yer house...

But be shore that you lock up
your wife and daughter!

Who wants an ole farm womern, anyhow?
Notice you married one,
so you could get a square meal.

You can’t talk that way about our women.
He can say what he wants.
The farmer and the cowman
should be friends,

Oh, the farmer and the cowman
should be friends.

One man likes to push a plow,
the other likes to chase a cow,

But that’s no reason why they
There ain’t anybody
going to slug out anything.

This here is a party!
Sing it, Andrew.
The farmer and the cowman
should be friends,

Good, but louder. Sing it.
Oh, the farmer and the cowman
should be friends.

Sing. C’mon now, sing.
One man likes to push a plow,
the other likes to chase a cow,

But that’s no reason
why they cain’t be friends!

And when this territory is a state,
And jines the Union jist like all the others,
The farmer and the cowman
and the merchant

Must all behave theirsel’s
and act like brothers.

I’d like to teach you all a little sayin’--
And learn the words by heart
the way you should:

I don’t say I’m no better
than anybody else,
But I’ll be danged if I ain’t jist as good!
I don’t say I’m no better
than anybody else,

But I’ll be danged if I ain’t jist as good!
