
I feel sorry for him.
He's completely crazy.
Oh, Mikkel!
He goes around thinking
he's Jesus.

Will he ever be sane again?
It's all that studying
that has turned his head.

He should never have
been made to study.

I did it because he had
a talent for it.

You wanted to have a parson
in the family.

No, Mikkel, that's not true,
there are parsons enough.

What we need is someone
who can shake people up.

With Johannes's special abilities
I thought he might be the spark

that could fire Christendom
again from this farm.

I prayed so earnestly that it be he,
the prophet that should come.

The reformer?
The renewer, yes. I prayed
so ardently for it.

But you see what has come of it.
Well, I suppose we'd better go
back to bed. Goodnight, father.

Goodnight, my boy.
Goodnight, father.
Goodnight, Anders.
I'll just go and have a look
at the sow.
