Pather Panchali

We'll manage on my wages until then
The children need new clothes
and Auntie needs a shawl

We owe Mrs Mukherji five rupees
We'll have to pay all that
out of the wages

And the repairs?
We have survived the monsoon
The repairs must wait,
but I'll get estimates

Something must be done to the kitchen
Don't worry. Kitchen, walls, roof,
everything will be done

How many days to the festival?
Did you take Tunu's beads?
- Do you know who did?
- No. Go to sleep

I have another idea for a play
I might be able to write it in a week
You once lived in Benares;
did you have friends there?

I had a few
Isn't there a place by the river...
...where men recite from
the scriptures?

It's called Dasasvamedh Ghat
Let's go to Benares.
