Shree 420

Vidya, you've come
to collect your earrings?

No, I've come to sell
these bangles as well

The school isn't running well?
Get the money from the cashier.
Keep them. When you
have the money, return it

Who knows? Maybe I won't
ever see that day

Why talk like that?
It saddens me

One day, a prince will come
into your life

He'll be handsome and rich.
When he sees you, he'll be yours

And then he'll marry you
He'll shower you
with jewellery.

Then you can return
all you owe me in one go

Take the money. Greet your
father. I'll visit on Friday

What is it?
What can I show you?
Nothing to buy,
something to sell

That's exactly
what they all say

What is it?
- Honesty

I'll sell honesty
Here it is
Rashtriya Orphanage
Honesty Medal

How much will I get?
If honesty is sold,
what's left in life?

Did you say something?
- No, nothing

Uncle, I'll be off
You pawning it or selling it?
I thought I'd sell it
