Shree 420

Have you worked in one?
I worked at the Sunlight Soap
factory, I mean laundry

I can't tell you
how well I wash clothes

Do you have an iron?
A wife? How can I? I don't
have a job or a house.

I didn't say a 'Wife',
but an iron!

I thought you said a 'Wife'.
About the ironing, sir...

I'm from a line of washer men
You look a clown.
Can you work hard?

Yes, Sir!
Will you be honest?
- Yes, Sir.

You've got the job.
Thank you sir, thank you.
You'll be paid 45 rupees.
Start now.

Ram, how is it spelt?
- R... A... M

Raj, how is it spelt?
- R... A... J

Once, again, children!
I am sorry,
I can't understand you

Why do you dress like this
and act like a clown?
