Tuntematon sotilas

Bless our whole nation
and unify it.

The Lord bless you
and watch over you.

The Lord make his
face shine upon you -

and be gracious to you.
The Lord look kindly on you
and give you peace.

In the name of
the Father and the Son -

and the Holy Ghost.
What a sermon!
We're heading for the cemetary.

Seemed alright to me.
I gotta tell you,
them stars are far away.

You think they're real close,
but when you think about it -

you realize they're so far away,
you can't even imagine it.

What good are they,
I always wonder.

I think they're useless.
Who needs them?

I reckon they shed some light.
Light. I can understand
sunlight and moonlight -

but what good is that light?
If I were God, I wouldn't have
made them stars in the first place.

God didn't make them,
that's just talk.

They teach it at school
even though they know it's a lie.

Man wasn't created either.
He was born in the sea.

We're made of carbon
and other stuff.

They fool the simple ones to keep
them humble to the Capitalists.

At least I know enough
not to believe that.

You're not making any sense.
It's mind-boggling.

How the hell could man have
been born in the sea?

You run out of air in 30 seconds,
and there ain't any carbon in me.

Man is made of
flesh and bones.

I'm not saying nothing
about them Capitalists.

If my old man dies before me,
I get nine hectares of lousy land.

That's the kind of
Capitalist I am.

I won't be humbling myself
to no Capitalist on my land.
