Tuntematon sotilas

I saw some casualties
by the side of the road.

The priest was folding tags.

Why was one of the wounded
men yelling "Sorry, sorry"?

He said some ugly words.
What ugly words?
- I won't say.

If a dying man can say them,
why can't you?

Jesus Christ, the Devil.
Maybe he appologized
to both, just in case.

Don't say that.
Even the medics cried.

No use crying here.
Let's just give them hell.

When horses fuck, the ground
trembles and walls crumble.

Get ready!
Get ready! - For what?
To leave.
- Where are we going?

To attack. You think
we'd be going home?

Are we the only goddamn
battalion in the Army?

Be ready to die for your
home, religion and fatherland.

He's up again, the Finnish Bear,
he shows his teeth and claws.

And von Döbel was
inspecting boobs...
