Tuntematon sotilas

What's up?
Listen, Rokka!
You're obviously seeking
a conflict with discipline.

No fancy words, OK?
I'm only a farmer and don't
understand those words.

You are as if military
discipline didn't affect you.

It don't.
- It will!

As your Company Commander
I intend to make you realize -

that such a thing as
military discipline exists.

Goddamn! I ain't gonna
decorate no paths for you!

What were you thinking of?
You were insolent to the Colonel.
I was ordered to discipline you.

You think I'll obey?
- I would advise you to.

I ain't coming.
- It will mean a Court Martial.

It'll mean a lot more.
Don't you start fooling with me!

My pregnant old lady's working
our fields alone in Karelia.

And you idiot make me
lay pebbles by your paths!

Don't you think there's
a limit to my patience, too?

You've got men making
your HQ real cozy!

Not me! You got that?
Don't you see where we're heading?
Soon we'll be in real trouble!

Half of us are gonna die,
and you nag about discipline!

I do my share of the fighting,
but I ain't playing!

Court martial me! Remember,
I ain't dying like a dog!

I'm gonna take a few men
with me! Remember that!

I'm out of here.
Bear Five.
Yes, it's unpleasant.
The best soldier
in the battalion.

Yes, I know he is insolent.
