Between Heaven and Hell

- Hi there.
- Howdy.

Why, Mr Gifford. I was sayin' the other day
you ought to be visitin' soon. Didn't I, Rake?

That's what she was sayin'.
- This is Mrs Gifford.
- How do you do?

Here, Anna May. Get outta there.
I was just talking to Carr.
He's having trouble getting his crop in.

I thought maybe your two oldest boys
could give him a hand.

Well, I've been keepin' 'em right busy.
But if Kenny needs help,
I could lend him young Tom here.

You all better go over there Sunday and work.
- (Mrs Raker) Sunday, Mr Gifford?
- That's right.

Sunday we was plannin' on visitin'
my wife's sister, Rose Ellen.

Yeah, Mr Gifford. We was wantin'
to see Rose Ellen's new baby.

You can visit your relatives anytime,
but there's only so many days
to get the cotton in.

I want you all over there
to Carr's come Sunday, hear?

- All right, we'll be there.
- Better make it early.

Yes, sir, Mr Gifford.
- Sam, I'd like to go home now.
- I thought you wanted to see the croppers.

- Why do you talk that way?
- What way?

The way you talked to those people.
- You mean there's another way?
- There must be.

Not if you want to stay
in the cotton business.

I don't see why you're upset
about sharecroppers.

Think they like bein' treated that way?
- I never heard 'em complain.
- Maybe you weren't there when they did.

My family's had croppers for over 100 years.
They do the only thing they know how to do.

They're happy with what they can get. That's
the way it's always been and always will be.

Meanwhile they're lazy.
They have to be keptjumpin'.

And they have to be kept in their place.
Oh, now, honey, there's just no sense
in us arguing about it like this.

Sam, I'm seein' a side of you
I never saw before.

You're just seein' my business side.
I can explain the whole thing in five minutes.
