Bus Stop

...when you was 5, l throwed you
on a horse, and you was riding.


When you was 8, l throwed you
in the creek, and you was swimming.

-Ain't that right?
-Sure, Virge. Splash!

You're 21 years old, and we're
on our way to a big city: Phoenix.

-lt's time you met up with a gal.
-A gal?

Nothing to be scared of. Women
and swimming is pretty much the same.

You got good reflexes.
You'll make out just fine.

ORVlLLE: Win some prize money.
-Take it easy!

-Two for Phoenix.
-We're going down for the rodeo.

l'm gonna win me
about every prize they got.

That's nice. Sit down someplace.
You got a long ride ahead of you.

Bo, the lady's hat!

-Oh, sorry, ma'am.
-Look where you're going.

He ain't used to traveling.
lt's his first time off the ranch.

Virge, that's a lie, and you know it!
l've been all the way to Helena.

That was when he was 12,
to have his tonsils out.

-That still counts!
-Give me that.

lf you will marry me, me, me
lf you will marry me

l'll give to you a petticoat red
All stitched around with golden thread

l've been thinking, you know,
about what you said.
