Bus Stop

-A angel?
-That's right.

l wouldn't set my sights too high
if l were you, Bo.

You just pick out
some plain-looking little gal...

...with a cooperating nature
and a good personality.

l mean, we gotta be realistic.
What's some angel gonna
want with a cowhand like you?

What's that got to do with it?
That steer didn't wanna get throwed.
Well, l throwed him.

Breaking in a wild horse...
...you don't let what he wants
stop you.

What makes you think
a gal's different?

This trip will be mighty educational.
Kiss me quick and go my honey
Kiss me quick and go

Listen, Virge, l'm gonna find me
an angel, a real hootenanny of an angel.

She gives me any trouble...
...she'll find herself with her wings
pinned right to the ground!

-Morning, ma'am!
-What are you doing?

Pushups, to get the kinks
out of my bones.

Get up off that floor.
Thirty. Did 30 sit-ups too.
Stop bothering folks.
Woke up everybody on the bus.

lt's morning. lt's time to get up.
That's the trouble with you city folk.
Lay in bed all day long.

Then you get soft.
When do we stop for breakfast?

Look, there's a place. You passed it!
This is a public vehicle. Stops where
it's scheduled to stop, no place else.

Meanwhile, what's a passenger to do?
Starve to death?

Poor old lady's stomach is rumbling.
