Forbidden Planet

Yes, Morbius.
A simple blaster.

All right.
Now turn around here.

Point it at the commander.
Aim right between the eyes.
You see, he's helpless...
Iocked in a sub-electronic dilemma
between my direct orders...

and his basic inhibitions
against harming rational beings.

If I were to allow
that to continue...

he would blow
every circuit in his body.

Doctor, how did you
come by such a mechanism?

Uh, I didn't
"come by" him, Doctor...

I tinkered him together
during my first months up here.

- Coffee is ready, sir.
- Gentlemen.

Doctor, do you mean that
you made this gentleman?

A useful enough toy, Lieutenant...
but nowadays I have
no time for such things.

Dr. Morbius, you're a philologist,
an expert in words and languages...

their origins and meanings.
Yet this robot of yours
is beyond the combined resources...

of all Earth's physical science.
My dear Commander,
maybe you overestimate...

both Robby and myself.
Gentlemen, let me show you
another bit of parlor magic.

Forgive me. I didn't mean
to alarm you, gentlemen.

I had Robby install
the steel shutters...

before I realized how
altogether safe I am here.
