High Society

That's quite a brawl.
Yes. One of the prettiest sights
in this pretty world...

...is the sight of the privileged class
enjoying its privileges.

They're really not a bad bunch
when you get to know them.

-You getting to know them?

""With the rich and mighty, it takes a little
patience."" That's an old Spanish proverb.

Yes. Well, l come
from a long line of Swedes.

We have an old saying too:
""When the cat's away,
why should the mouse act like a rat?""

Liz! Liz, l've been looking for you.
Really? Well, l've been right here
all the time, Mr. Lord.

-l beg your pardon? Oh, no, call me Seth.

Your daughter doesn't resemble you.
ln fact, there's an amazing difference.

Well, naturally. She's a girl, you know,
and l'm a wicked old man.


Dexter's looking for you.
Mrs. Lord, you called him Willie.
Miss lmbrie, there's a misunderstanding
which l'd like to clear up.

-ln the first place, l'm Seth Lord.
-Yes. Yes.

-Well, that makes you....

-l don't get it.
-Don't go away.

-l'll be right back.
-Oh, dear.

You are here in exchange
for repressing an article about me.

However, you should know
that l'll sue your editor...

...if anything derogatory
to any of us is published. Okay?

-l hope you do.
-Mr. Lord, Mrs. Lord, you must know...

...that Mike and l weren't told
anything about this.

-Why, of course.

Mother, l'm so glad to see you.
-Hello, Mr. Kittredge.

Hello, Father.
-Miss lmbrie, you having a wonderful time?

-Mike, are you having a wonderful time?
-lt's a gasser.

lsn't that wonderful? George?
-Shall we dance?
-We were.
