High Society

-Look here, l want to dance with Tracy.
-Do you, Uncle Willie? That's nice.

You two can dance the rest of your life.
-Let's the three of us dance together.
-No, no, no, my dear.

That just isn't done, you know.
-Are you having a wonderful time?
-l most certainly am.

You know,
you're my very favorite uncle.

l'd be highly complimented
if it weren't for the fact...

...that l'm the only uncle you have.
l think that's sad. You're the only uncle
l have in the whole world.

-May l?
-May you what?

-Dance with the bride.
-You may dance with the bride.

-Are you coming to my wedding, Dexter?

-What's the matter, don't you like weddings?
-Depends on who's getting married.

-lt's gonna be a nice wedding.
-l'm sure it will.

That's a very cute song you sang.
Why don't you write cute songs like that?

-l wrote that one.
-Well, l still like it.

-You're really floating tonight, aren't you?
-Really floating, aren't l?

l'm sensational, everybody said so.
lt got dark all of a sudden.
-Very dark.
-lt's too dark.
