Lust for Life

Have you gone out of your mind?
- Do you hear me whimpering?
- Listen to me, my boy.

I'd let you talk to Kay
to your heart's content, but for one thing.

She refuses to see you again, ever.
I don't believe it.
She said that your persistence
disgusted her.

There are some things
that can't be controlled by wishes.

Love is one of them.
I'm sorry.
But did she say I disgusted her?
- Did she actually say that?
- Yes.

All right, I'm sorry, too.
- I'll be going.
- Where are you staying?

- Would you like to spend the night here?
- No, thank you.

- Lf Kay leaves the house...
- Let me take care of your hand.

- Take care of yourself, Vincent.
- Our love to your family.

- Good night.
- Good night, boy.

Come on. Let's get out of here.
Come on. If you want to sit here,
that's all right.

More wine?
- On credit?
- No.
