The Ten Commandments

Welcome to my sister's son.
We have heard how you took ibis
from the Nile

to destroy the venomous serpents
used against you

when you laid siege
to the City of Saba.

May my arm stay strong
in your service, Great Sethi.

Who is
this fair young god

come into the House
of Pharaoh?

No need to tell you
how I share her joy
at your return.

No need, my brother.
Great One,
I bring you Ethiopia!

Command them to kneel
before Pharaoh.

Command what you have
conquered, my brother.

I bring the Ethiopian king
and his sister in friendship,
as an ally to guard
our southern gates.

My son has dealt wisely
with you, Ethiopia.
Welcome as a friend.
Great King,
I will ask but one favor
of your friendship.

This green stone
from our mountains...

that I may give it
to your prince of Egypt,

for he is kind
as well as wise.

It is pleasing to the gods
to see a man honored

by his enemies.
And such a beautiful enemy.
See to their comfort.
Divine One,
here is the full count
of Ethiopia's tribute.
