The Ten Commandments

If we stop moving stones
for every grease woman
who falls,

the city would
never rise.

If the slaves are not driven,
they will not work.

If their work lags,
it is because they are not fed.
You seem strong enough.
I am a stonecutter.
The Pharaohs like
their images cut deep.

Hold your whip!
You know it is death
to strike an Egyptian?

I know it.
Yet you struck him. Why?
To save the old woman.
What is she to you?
An old woman.
Lord Prince, send him
to his death.

The man has courage.
You do not speak
like a slave.

God made men.
Men made slaves.
Which god?
The God of Abraham.
The Almighty God.

If your god is almighty,
why does he
leave you in bondage?

He will choose
the hour of our freedom

and the man
who will deliver us.

Lord Prince,
this man speaks treason.

It is not treason
to want freedom.

Release him.
Difficulty with
the slaves, my brother?

None that could not be
cured by a ration of grain

and a day of rest.
A day of rest?
When your horses tire,
they're rested.

When they hunger,
they're fed.

Slaves draw
stone and brick.

My horses draw
the next Pharaoh.

Is there any grain
stored here in Goshen?

None that you would
dare take, my brother.

The temple granaries
are full.

Bring the push-pole men
and some women with baskets.
I will...
Great Prince.
I warn you Moses,
that the temple grain belongs
to the gods.
