The Ten Commandments

And Rameses.
You crocodile.
There, triples!
You've lost!

I'll never let
you win again.

Aha. You thought
that by losing to me

you would win for Moses.
Well, you know,
crowns are sometimes lost

by smiles and dimples.
And so is patience.
Are the plans
for my jubilee complete?

Are the plans
for my jubilee complete?

All but your proclamation
for the marriage of Prince
Rameses to Nefretiri.

Are you quite sure
it will be Rameses?

Who else could be
your successor?

Moses, of course.
Because of Moses,
there is no wheat

in the temple granaries.
You don't look any leaner.
You're both very generous
with your advice.

Will you take mine?
No. I will choose
my own successor.

Did you lose your head,
my sweet?

I sent you to Goshen
to bring me the head
of the jackal

who would free the slaves.
Where is it?
The slaves do not need
a deliverer now.

They have Moses.
Is that a riddle?
He gives them
the priests' grain

and one day in seven
to rest.

They call it
"The Day of Moses."

This man makes
himself a god.

I prefer him as a man.
You would prefer
him as Pharaoh.

Are you afraid of Moses?
Yes, because now he holds
Ethiopia in his left hand,

Goshen in his right,
and you, my Pharaoh,
are in-between them.

Do you imply that he would
raise the slaves against me?

I've been his father.
Ambition knows no father.
Moses could no more betray you
