The Ten Commandments

my little mud flower.
His fate is better
than the one
that waits for Moses.

The slave who would be king.
Captain, the robe of state.
His Hebrew mother
brought it to the prison

before she died.
I'd rather
this be your armor.

You will have need
of a scepter.

You will have need
of a scepter.

Give me this binding pole.
Here is your king's scepter,
and here is your kingdom,
with the scorpion, the cobra,
and the lizard for subjects.
Free them, if you will.
Leave the Hebrews to me.
Give this prince of Israel
one day's ration
of bread and water.

One day's ration?
It will take many days
to cross this wilderness,

if he can cross at all.
I commend you
to your Hebrew god

who has no name.
If you die,
it will be by his hand,

not by mine.
