The Ten Commandments

Look at his face.
He has seen God.
your hair,
your sandals.
I stood upon holy ground.
Can you tell us, Moses?
My eyes could not look upon him.
Did he speak?
He revealed his Word
to my mind,

and the Word was God.
Did he speak as a man?
He is not flesh, but spirit,
the light of Eternal Mind.
And I know that his light
is in every man.

Did he ask something of you?
That I go to Egypt.
You are God's messenger.
He has set the day
of deliverance.

I will get water and bread
that we may leave at once.
But Egypt holds death for you.
If it be his will.
Where he sends you,
I shall go.

Your god is my god.
I will lead men against
the armory at Migdol

and get swords for the people.
It is not by the sword that
he will deliver his people,

but by the staff
of a shepherd.
