
From flier to rigger in one accident.
New York to Paris. He's fallen a long way.

- He's not smashed up as bad as I heard.
- It's his heart that's smashed.

He used to be a flier.
Now he can't even get on the pedestal.

What good is life to a bird if he can't fly?
You can understand.

Sure I can. Mr. Bouglione?
How'd you like my act?

- What act?
- Ribble and Orsini.

You come here, do two flips on the bar,
make one pass, right away you got an act.

Congratulations. One of you runs
before he can walk, the other a cripple.

Ribble wants to work with me. Are you
interested or do I go somewhere else?

I'm interested, but I know this man better
than you do. Remember, I warned you.

- You still here? Up all night, huh?
- Look, Mr. Ribble...

That's why there are
no more performers. Nobody trains.

That's the lousiest full twist...
Look what you did.
Mr. Ribble?
How about this?
It's not like workin' with my own bars,
but tell me what you think anyway.

Hands close enough together, Mr. Ribble?
What do you think, Mr. Ribble?
- How's that, Mr. Ribble?
- Lousy.
