War and Peace

- Andrei.
- Hello, Mary.

How did you manage to get here?
Have you brought little Kolya?

- How are you now?
- You must ask the doctor.

You see how strangely
fate has brought us together?

- She looks after me all the time.
- Mary came from Ryazan.

- You've missed Count Nicholas?
- Yes.

He took a great liking to you.
It would be a good thing to marry him.

Why talk of me, Andrei?
Would you like to see Kolya?
He's outside.

I'd be very glad to see him.
Is it too much for you, all this talking?
No. I want to tell Mary
so many things but I'm unable to.

Kiss him, Kolya. Kiss your father.
...no one is permitted to cry
in this room.

Not children and not grown-ups either.
I think you'd better
go out and play now.
