War and Peace

and I can't stand it.
Never, never marry, Pierre.
Or if you must marry, marry when
you're old and good for nothing.

Or else everything that is fine
and noble in you will be lost.

You'll waste yourself on trifles.
Yes, yes, don't look at me
like that.

You talk of Bonaparte
and his career.

If Bonaparte had married
when he was young...

he'd still be a half-pay captain
in Marseilles...

going to dinner parties
and carrying his wife's handbag...

and inviting idiots to his house
because his wife...

wanted to be invited
to their houses.

Prince Andre.
Princess Helene.
Didn't you tell my brother
that he was expected here?

- I did.
- Isn't he coming?

I believe not.
Thank you.
