A King in New York

'''tis a consummation
devoutly to be wished.

''To die, to sleep...
''To sleep,
''perchance to dream:
''There's the rub.
''For who would bear the whips
and scorns of time?

''The oppressor's wrong,
the proud man's contumely,

''the pangs of despised love,
''the law's delay.
''The insolence of office,
and the spurns that patient merit

''of the unworthy takes,
''when he himself might
his quietus take

''with a bare bodkin?
''Who would fardels bear, to sweat
''and grunt under a weary life?
''But that the dread
''of something after death
''that undiscovered country
''from whose bourn no traveler returns
''puzzles the will
''and makes us rather bear
those ills we have

''than fly to others
that we know not of?

''Thus conscience...''
- I've forgotten.
- Oh no! Please go on.

No, no. I'm sorry.
You've just heard
a recital of Hamlet

by His Majesty King Shahdov.
We now return to Ann Kay's
Real Life Surprise Party

after station identification.
This is station KXPA.
How can I thank you?
What a privilege. What genius!
- You liked it?
- You have such power, such anger!

What a success you'd be as an actor.
But actors need more
than genius to succeed.

- They need good sound teeth.
- Naturally.

Have you the assurance to speak
and face others without danger
of being repellent?

There you go again!
How can an actor play opposite
a lovely leading lady
