Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison

If there were Japanese
out there...

they could see those lights
15-20 miles offshore.

Do you see what I mean?
Yes, I'm sorry, Mr....
Corporal Allison,
U.S. Marines.

Where am I, ma'am?
This, uh...
this island got a name?
Yes, uh, Tuasiva.
An atoll, huh?
Listen, did I hear right?
You're, uh...
you're all alone
on this island?

Since when?
Mr. Allison,
you must be very hungry.

I'll tell you what happened
after you've eaten.

There's some dried fruit
and some biscuits...

over in the bungalow.
I'll go for that.
How about seconds, ma'am?
There isn't anymore.
Why didn't you say so?
Fine guy that makes me...
taking food
out of a woman's mouth...

especially a nun's.
You were starved,
Mr. Allison.

I don't suppose there'd be
any cigarettes around, huh?

No cigarettes.
What I wouldn't do
for a smoke.

Who belongs to this?
It was
Father Phillips' pipe.

He's buried down there.
How'd he die, ma'am?
The last few days
were too much for him.

I was at the mission
at Wanitok.

That's in the Tua group.
The Japanese were raiding islands
all around us...

and conscripting
the natives...

and making prisoners
of the Europeans.
