Love in the Afternoon

...the baker...
...and the friendly undertaker.
They do it in motion.
They do it sitting absolutely still.
Poodles do it.
Tourists do it.
Generals do it.
Once in a while, even existentialists do it.
There is young love...
...and old love.
Married love...
...and illicit love.
That is where I come in.
My name is Claude Chavasse.
I am what you would call "a private eye. "
It was Monday, June 11, 6:15 a.m.
I had been working
the nightwatch on the Place Vendôme...

...outside the Ritz Hotel.
In order to protect the innocent,
I will call this the case of Madame X.

Of course, she was not entirely innocent.
While Monsieur X was attending
a business conference in London...

...she was conferring nightly
in Suite 14 of the Ritz.
