Night Passage

So when a man gets fired the way
I was fired the story gets around.

Well, I'm... I'm sorry.
- No, I like to make music.
- And it keeps you near the railroad.

If someone needs information
about a payroll, you can sell it.

You know it's a funny thing.
I don't like you either.

- Is that why you sent for me?
- No. And keep out of this.

Have it your way. But I don't trust him now
any more than I did
when I sent him after the Utica Kid.

I sent you after a thief
and you gave him a horse to get away on.

- I told you to keep shut.
- Let him talk. I'm not wearing a gun.

I'll be honest with you.
He'd talk the same if I was.

- It's been nice seeing you.
- (Woman) Grant.

I'm sure Jeff didn't mean to be rude.
Sometimes he has
a blunt way of putting things.

Unfortunately, Ben isn't much better.
It's not unfortunate.
It just gets things said in a hurry.

Too much of a hurry.
They forgot to ask you if you'd work
for the railroad again. Would you?

Yes, I would. Not to give you a short answer.
- It's the answer I wanted.
- Sit down, Grant.

Do you remember Whitey Harbin?
Used to work down
in Arizona and New Mexico.

- Yeah.
- Well, he's moved into Colorado.

I thought he favoured stage lines and banks.
So did we. But he's learned
about railroad payrolls

- and he's grabbed three in a row.
- Where do I fit in?

They're making up a supply train in the yard.
I want you to ride it.
- With $10,000 in your pocket.
- Why me?

Quite frankly, because no one
would suspect you of carrying a payroll.

I sure don't look like $10,000, do I?
Are you building a bridge you don't need?
The money's here. Why not bring the men in
on Saturday and pay them off in town?

And lose half the crew?
Turn them loose in a mining town,
