Paths of Glory

I can't believe that
the noblest impulse of man,

his compassion for another,
can be completely dead here.

Therefore, I humbly beg you,
show mercy to these men.
The accused will be escorted back to
the guardroom. The hearing is closed.

The court will now retire to deliberate.
There will be a guard of six men
under arms. Two men to each prisoner.

Any sign of trouble,
the prisoners will be covered.

If the trouble doesn't subside at once,
the prisoner will be shot.

It must all go off without a hitch
and with the least possible delay.

It shouldn't be hurried,
but there must be no fumbling around.

I've been put in charge
and made personally responsible

for any lack of order, or for any mistakes.
But you can take it from me that I shall
pass on any blame, and with interest,

to any one of you who fails in his duties.
Execution will take place at seven o'clock,
according to the verdict
of the court martial.

Detail, attention! Dismissed!
This is compliments of General Mireau.
- Duck.
- Well, tell him thanks(!)

Don't blame me, soldier.
Are we supposed to eat
this with our fingers?

The guard says you can't
have any knives or forks.

Is this supposed to be our last meal?
It isn't supposedto be our last meal.
It is our last meal.

This duck is terrific.
Do you suppose they put
anything in the food?

First they poison us, then they shoot us?
- I think they put something in it.
- Like what?

Like, uh... something
to make us groggy or something.
