Paths of Glory

It read "Do not be afraid to ask for credit
for our way of refusing is very polite."

- Come on, Arnaud. You're drunk.
- Oh, Paris, leave me alone.

Get out of here with
your sanctimonious pat answers!

- Are you here to torture us?!
- No, to help you with all my power.

You have no power!
- God has power.
- Does he? What a laugh!

- You can be saved.
- Saved? I'll be saved?

Cut it out, Arnaud!
Father, get a doctor. Quick.
That should keep him quiet long enough.
That's a nasty skull fracture.
He may not last the night.

- What are we supposed to do with him?
- You can tie him to a stretcher

so you can tilt him vertically.
Surely they won't execute
a man in that condition?

I'm sorry, Father. The sentence will be
carried out. I checked with the general.

If he's alive in the morning,
pinch his cheeks before you take him out.

It may open his eyes.
The general wants him conscious.

- (knocking)
- Yes?

- Lieutenant Roget reporting, sir.
- Come in.

Sergeant Boulanger
said you wanted to see me, sir.

Yes, Lieutenant. Looks as if we have
a pretty unpleasant thing on our hands.

- You mean the execution, sir.
- Yes, I mean the execution.

- Yes, sir. It's very unfortunate.
- "Very unfortunate."

- That's just how I feel about it.
- None of us are happy about it, sir.

How did you happen
to pick Corporal Paris?

Well, I had to pick somebody, sir.
Yes, you did. You had no personal
motive in picking Paris, did you?

Oh, no, sir.
You picked him because
he was a coward, didn't you?

Did you or didn't you?
Oh, yes, sir, I did.
